Dear Colleagues!
Institute of Economics and Management of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia invites you to take part in the XX international online scientific conference “Management of the XXI century: economy, society and education in a new normality”, which will be held on November 24-25, 2021 at the Herzen University and will be devoted to the discussion of the fundamental and applied aspects of management, economics and education in a changing world.
The main goal of the conference is to organize a constructive dialogue in the scientific and pedagogical community to search for strategies and identify tools for solving economic and social problems by developing education in the context of new paradigms formation, development of new patterns in the culture of management in connection with the growing economic crisis and the consequences of quarantine restrictions due to COVID-19.
Conference sections and discussion issues:
- Economy, society and education in the conditions of the new normality
- Digital transformation: a new stage, consequences, solutions
- Projects of non-profit organizations and social entrepreneurship
- Institutions of public administration in a new normality
- Relevant economic education for sustainable development
- The future of the advanced vocational training system
- Hospitality industry: new reality and challenges
Round table in memory of Professor Moisey Abramovich Sklyar: “Economic education and the responsibility of an economist”
Stream link for the plenary session in Zoom:
Stream link for the plenary session in YouTube:
Stream link for sections in the conference program